Product Functionality

The software installs as a Windows service and interfaces with a 3M CR100 Swipe Reader. Whenever a machine readable document (passport, identity card, driver license, etc) is scanned the serive detects the scan, forwards the identity data to your cloud service, and notifies the operator via the accompanying Windows tray application about the scan results and cloud delivery results.

The product has the following components:

Need Help?

Please feel free to contact me via if you'd like any information about how to use this product. I'll gladly answer any questions and add to the documentation.

Technical Information

Those people not interested in the scanning funcationality might still find the project to be useful as a C# technical example of how to build a Windows Service that communicates with a Windows Tray Applicaiton via a NamedPipe and how to use WIX to build an installer which installs the product along with a bundled set of device drivers.